How I Lost 10 Pandemic Pounds

This post took me the longest to write. 4 1/2 months to be exact. It took me that long to shed ten pounds of the pandemic weight. It came off just as it came on, slow and steady. Chocolate, cheese, and carbs are my weakness.

2020 was hard and I baked and cooked a lot. Baguettes and cheese along with baked goods were a regular thing at home and stress eating had a lot to do with my weight gain. I didn’t have my daily workouts at my studio and walks outside to pick up groceries or run errands.

Before I explain more about the details about how I lost my weight, I should stress that if you have issues with food or suffer from an eating disorder you have full permission to click out of this post or skip it. I am sensitive to food issues and I want everyone to know this was done safely and in a healthy way.

Apple Watch

I got the apple watch at the beginning of 2021 when I knew I wanted to make health a priority. It has helped me so much with keeping track of my activity and sleep. I wrote a whole blog post here on why I love it so much.

Find an Accountability Partner

This is a great way to help keep the motivation. Find someone to walk with or meet for a workout. You will have moments of weakness which is totally normal. You will want the unhealthy food when you are tempted. It’s great to have someone that is in the same healthy mindset.


I watched part of the Masterclass on sleep and I knew that I needed to make it a bigger focus. I set bedtime each night and I unwind by being off my phone before bed. A bedtime routine is very important in managing my migraines so they go hand in hand. Also, being active daily helps my sleep.

Get Moving

Henri has been a big part of my goal to get moving. He loves his walks and seeing other dogs. We aim to get three walks a day and they average around 100 calories each. Every walk helps him sleep a little in between so I can get work done. We meet friends sometimes which makes the walks more fun.

When I looked at what was different pre-pandemic vs my current life my daily walks really stood out. I used to walk to and from the dance studio and to the grocery almost every day. I was walking 5 miles easily and while staying home and safe, I wasn’t getting my regular exercise.

The apple watch really helped me identify which exercises helped burn the most calories. I tried the Peloton bike and yoga, but dance won out for me. It’s something I love and I schedule it in to my day. I am still working out via Zoom and hopefully will back in the studio soon. I dance barefoot in my bedroom and I know the studio would be more calories dancing with a group setting in my sneakers with more space.

I set a move goal on my watch and calories to burn daily and when I hit my goal, I sleep better. It’s a great motivation to get moving every day.

Weigh In/Tracking Calories

I initially used an app called Noom but I wouldn’t recommend it for long term use. It helps identify green, yellow, and red foods and leads you in the right direction toe make healthy choices. It was helpful in the beginning and since I eat a lot of the same foods I know what is good and not so healthy. What I didn’t like about Noom is the calorie intake recommendation. It says 1,200 for females which is unusually low and I don’t think it’s healthy. You can’t maintain a 1,200 calorie intake long term.

My Fitness Pal is a great alternative to Noom and helps you track a lot of the same foods and nutrition.

I never weighed myself before this year and I didn’t own a scale. I finally broke down and bought one. I really don’t like to focus too much on the number. I always felt if my pants still fit, then I don’t need to worry. I weighed myself at the beginning of 2021 and I do it regularly. It helps keep me in check and I know when I need to scale back or make adjustments in my diet. I don’t think it’s healthy to obsess too much about this.

There are days when I will go out for a meal or order out and I don’t stick to my regular healthy eating. It’s okay to splurge once in a while as long as it isn’t a daily habit. French fries, desserts, and cocktails are all part of this in moderation.

From White to Wheat

I made some simple and healthy modifications to my diet. I switched most of my carbs from white to wheat. This included whole wheat pita and pasta. I switched from regular potatoes to sweet potatoes. You have seen my recipes lately, I am big on the sweet potatoes. They are so good, sweet, and addicting.

I cut back my butter and olive oil. I measure out my olive oil when cooking so I can monitor how much I am putting in my food. I eat a lot of eggs at home and I cut back the number of egg whites to eggs. I don’t use a substitute, I just do one egg and one egg white instead of two eggs.

I make the same breakfast pretty much every morning. One whole wheat english muffin (Trader Joe’s has a great one), one egg and one egg white, spinach and onion. I toast the whole wheat english muffin and put 1/4 oz cheese on top for flavor. The spinach addition is a healthy upgrade to a traditional breakfast.

For snacks.

Daily Harvest has been great for smoothies and grabbing something quick and healthy.

Air popped popcorn with a little olive oil or butter and truffle salt.

Whole Wheat Pita chips. I make my own in the oven with olive oil spray. I add fresh hummus from the market.

Homemade Chips and salsa.

For lunch

I usually have a salad with protein, a sandwich with turkey and whole wheat pita, or a quesadilla with a whole wheat tortilla. I do add cheese. Feta, gruyere, or Cabot spicy cheddar, and this is all done in moderation and a healthy amount.


Salmon/chicken/shrimp with orzo or whole wheat pasta, almost always a salad or vegetable. I have been making a whole-wheat pizza with spinach and kale.

Alcohol in Moderation

I cut out alcohol at the start of 2021 and was dry for January and February. I slowly started introducing it in but in moderation.


I can’t give up my dark chocolate almonds. I eat them daily and love them. I switched to Halo ice cream which is a healthier version and drop in a few dark chocolate chips and top with fresh fruit for dessert. I have a sweet tooth and this is the best way to satisfy my cravings.

My weight fluctuates with highs and lows but I have been moving the needle in the right direction. This is a lifestyle change and not a diet. I still have 10 more pounds to go to my goal weight and there is no pressure to go fast. It has been slow, steady, and healthy.

I hope this motivates you to make a healthy change in your diet. I would love to know what works best for you and if you have had any success with dropping the pandemic pounds.

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  1. Such beautiful pictures and I appreciate the chance to live in Paris with you. I would like to share a thought about your recent diet concerns. We live in the diet conscious age and I had to comment on your notes about reducing butterfat and olive oil. Sadly, the history of nutritional science has confused of what the body truly needs. Thankfully, the French have never compromised their love of butter and now we know that beneficial fats and not carbohydrates are our friends. Warm and very best wishes for 2022. I look forward to reading more from you.

  2. Really loved this post. I too am trying to trim some covid pounds to shed. I love your food routines. They are realistic, healthy and satisfying. I too love carbs, chocolate and CHEESE please 🙂 Absolutely love your your website. Thanks for posting!

    • Thank you, Carla! I hope this helps. I think a variety of foods in moderation is healthy. You can’t deprive yourself of cheese and chocolate. Keep me posted on your progress.

  3. First of all, I love your blog, website, and photos! Perfect timing of your post! Very motivating as I’m also starting a weight loss/health journey this week. I’m giving up my beloved wine for 3 weeks of a 10-week program with Lauren Roxburgh, called Taller, Slimmer, Younger (online). I’m streaming her exercises of pilates-like moves with a foam roller and have a small rebounder (a trampoline with bungees-not squeaky cords) to jump on daily. Very healthy cardio and makes me feel like a kid. I’m also taking daily walks to be outside and get fresh air. Eating more plant-based and lean proteins-fish, chicken. I loved your food swaps and recommendations! Will try the truffle salt on popcorn after the 3 week “detox” part. Your breakfast looks delicious. I love your healthy, reasonable approach while still having some favorites thrown in. Thank you for sharing what you share!

    • Thank you, Amy! I hope your kickoff to health goes well. Keep me posted on your progress.

  4. I am looking for a new bed frame and saw yours in the photo. I would love to know who made it and where to buy it. It’s lovely and not so high off the ground. I love following you and I love
    Paris as well. Thank you, Elizabeth

    • Hi! I believe it is from Room and Board. Thank you so much for your sweet words and for following the blog. ❤️

  5. Thank you, merci beaucoup for sharing. It’s a struggle that I am still working through tackling and it’s a daily struggle…especially with a sweet tooth! Thank you for the journey you’re on and how I can incorporate suggestions into my routine and day. Bravo you! Adore adore your blog and the links you share each week, brilliant! Merci, merci! xx

    • Thank you for reading! It is a struggle but I think once you make some healthy and easy switches it gets easier. Plus, my body doesn’t love all the sugar it once did.

  6. Love it. I was on the same journey and downloaded the Kira Stokes app for $14.99 a month. I do one of her workouts 6 days a week and walk our puppy a couple times a day. I’ve also been a fan of Harley Pasternak’s body reset smoothies for breakfast and/or lunch during the week. It’s just easier for me while working from home.

  7. Thank you for this post! Appreciate the realistic approach you had to the topic, the little trade-ins can go a long way.

    • Thank you, Valerie! The little trade-ins for healthier options really helped. Now, I prefer whole wheat and sweet potatoes over traditional foods. I also can taste when something has too much sugar and I am turned off by certain foods. Keep me posted if you have any success with the swaps.

  8. I’ve been doing the same and am on track to lose my pandemic weight. Fingers crossed. Probably should measure out my olive oil though too!
    Love your blog x

  9. Thank you for the great post, regarding your weight loss journey. I have 10lbs to go also on my weight loss program. Your suggestions are fabulous. I love your blog and I love Paris too. 🥰Betty