50 Days into the 100 Day Challenge

rebecca plotnick by katie donnelly

If you started the 100 Day Challenge at the start of September, we are halfway done! How does it feel? They call it a challenge for a reason. 21 days in and I was feeling good and motivated, 50 days in has become challenging but I am determined and not giving up. I am in it and I know so many of you joined me on this challenge.

My Challenge is to do one hour a day of combined Duolingo to practice my French and a workout. I have been dancing at a studio for years and doing their online classes since quarantine. I also have gotten back into yoga this year and really enjoy doing it on the Peloton app.

For practicing my French, I am slowly coming along and becoming more comfortable with my knowledge of French in so many different categories and learning new vocabulary. I am really happy this is a daily habit I have picked up. I have found new ways to incorporate my daily practice. Standing in line for bread at the market is a great way to get in a lesson or two. This also goes for the checkout line at Whole Foods. I have found that there are tiny chunks of my day that I will pop on Facebook or Instagram that bring me no added value and are just a waste of time.

I love that Duolingo continues to feed me the skills/vocabulary I am struggling with through repetition until I get it right and then they throw it at me again. If you have done Duolingo before, you know what I am talking about. I really hope I can continue my daily practice through next year and really have a much stronger comfort level when it comes to my French language skills when I am back in Paris.

My workouts have suffered a bit over the last 50 days. There are no excuses. I promise I have done something every single day, but I have taken a step back from my 9 am scheduled dance class and fit in yoga later in the day. Some days I will admit it will be 9 pm and I have yet to do a workout so I end up with a nighttime or restorative yoga class. It isn’t the most ideal, but I have gotten it done.

It is good to check in and own up to my challenges. Hopefully, I can find a routine that works better for my schedule and work in my practice/dance earlier in the day.

How are you doing with the challenge?

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  1. I started running again. I don’t do it daily but I committed to 6-9 miles five days a week and I’ve maintained that since the spring. I’m a teacher and was worried that when I went back to work in September it would fall by the wayside. It hasn’t. It feels like a great accomplishment to have done this at age 48. Thanks for inspiring me to keep it up.

    • Stephanie,

      YOU are amazing!! Great job for keeping up your running into the Fall. I am sure it helps relieve some stress from work. I hope you are holding with the added stress of this school year.

      Stay safe and be well,

  2. I am on day 56 of French on Duolingo , some days a struggle but once I start i’m good to go.
    My yoga practice fell by the wayside but I will take it up again.

    Thanks for the inspiration Rebecca, love all of your posts.


  3. I love this idea but I think I will start a 100 day challenge in maybe February 2021? It would be fun if you were able to get a group going for after the new year. No way am I committing to anything on Jan 1 as resolution, but I feel by Feb I will be ready. I wasn’t able to get out of my rut for 2020 to commit this year.

    I have done the basic, free version of Duolingo for French in the past and I feel that if you are someone who is already familiar with a language, it is a good way to learn new words, more polished sentence / grammar function, etc. It’s not the same as conversational french, but reading and comprehension are just as important in learning in my opinion, to understand a language better.

  4. I tried to learn / add three new habits (learning French, practicing sewing and daily movement), thinking 15 minutes each would work out. I usually get 2 of the 3 accomplished any given day. =)

    The challenge has been a great motivator though. Its a daily reminder to do something different with my day-to-day routine that purely for me.