The Balance of Busy

As life continues to get back to “normal” after a very strange year, I am noticing my body and mind are struggling to adapt to the change. When we all locked down in March of 2020 we struggled to adapt to the “new normal” here I am again trying to find the right balance.

Since I am fully vaccinated, I can safely visit with friends, dine at restaurants, and travel. When I went from having low-key quiet weekends at home to having social activities I felt exhausted. Naps have been a regular occurrence in the last couple of months. Having an active puppy at home probably has something to do with that too. A dinner out or a social gathering with friends and family can feel draining when it used to be energizing. I never realized how much of an introvert I was until 2020.

Since we have been locked down and unable all the things we loved to do normally I feel we are overcompensating to make up for the lost time. As I mentioned before in previous re-entry posts, it’s okay to take baby steps. I also think it is important to have a balance between being busy and unplugging to recharge. So when life starts to pick up and things get “busy” again, you can always step back and readjust your social calendar to take time for you and or your family to find the right balance.

I really enjoyed these two articles which were included in last week’s links: You may need a subscription to read.

Filling Your Summer Calendar? Slow Your Roll NYT

Can Families Hang on The Slower Pace of Life? WJS

I would love to know your thoughts on this topic. There is no right or wrong answer it is just something I have thought of on my walks with Henri.

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  1. Yes! I truly enjoyed being home! I love having my husband working from home. I loved having no (or at least fewer) obligations. I feel guilty saying this but I loved having all of my kids’ sports and activities on hiatus. I’m a teacher so I’ve been back to work regularly, sort of, since September. And our lives seem almost as busy as they were pre Covid. And I wish I could go back!