French Words T-Shirts and Sweatshirts

By now you know I love a good t-shirt or sweatshirt with a French word on it. I have a whole collection in my closet. These items are hot with readers too because they sell out fast! I get asked about these items a lot when I wear them so I thought I would round up some of my favorites here in case you wanted to purchase one or two before they were gone.

I have two favorites in this post that I have my eye on. The Bonjour tank is adorable for workouts. Also, the Je t’aime shirt from Sézane also says Dimanche on the back. I love Sundays (links I love ❤️ are my favorite part of the week)!

From Left to Right:

Sézane L’Amour Yellow Shirt. I love this one so much. Yellow isn’t my favorite color but this works together.

Oui Non

Merci Beaucoup Perfect for Summer with a pair of denim shorts.

Middle Row:

Je T’aime

Bonjour Sweatshirt. This comes in both baby pink and a nice blue.

Merci Red shirt

Bottom Row:

Je t’aime Classic black and white and so cute.

La Vie est Belle Sweatshirt

Beuté Black Sweatshirt

Top to Bottom/ Left to Right

La Fraise Adorable for Farmers Market Runs

Merci Beaucoup From Topshop perfect for Summer

Je T’aime ❤️ I love the heart and text combo.

Sweatshirts for chilly Summer nights

Je t’aime sweatshirt under $100

Oui pink sweatshirt under $100

La Vie est Belle

Je t’aime dimanche t-shirt (my favorite)

Bonjour Tank

Love sweatshirt by Sézane

This post includes affiliate links. I make a small commission off of items purchased through my links. Merci!

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  1. Dear Rebecca,

    To add to your collection, Clare V. offers nifty tees and sweatshirts with “Oui” and other French phrases ( J. Crew also did a nice “Merci Beaucoup” sweater in two colors (gold and a bright pink-orange) with navy letters about a year ago; second-hand ones can still be found online.

    Love your blog, and your recent posts about the Amalfi Coast make me want to go there myself!

    Meilleurs vœux,


  2. A few years ago I was managing our company’s trade show booth at an expo in Paris, and to pass time on slow days, the local hostess we’d hired and I would practice French/English pronunciations on each other. I had the worst time trying to roll the R in “la fraise” and will still randomly say it just to prove to myself I can get it right. I think I need that sweatshirt.