Links I Love : Week 1

le petit zinc paris

Happy 2018! I started this year off VERY slowly as you can tell if you follow on social media or here on the blog. I am back in cold Chicago after a long stay visiting family in Florida. I am getting settled back at home, unpacked and ready to start the new year fresh. Now that I am finally home, I am working on my sleep routine which is one of my big goals of 2018. Thank you for all of you who sent suggestions to make my sleep better. It will take a while to make this routine to stick but I am committed to making sleep a bigger priority. How did your first week go? Did anyone else extend their holiday break?

I loved this article and shared it immediately with friends. Paris Syndrome? Really? How the City of Lights Gives People The Blues

How to Order in A French Café according to Frenchly 

11 Everyday moments in France when you really need to say “bonjour” This is great if you are headed to Paris soon. You will know the proper etiquette. 

Portrait of A Marriage. Julia Child captured in beautiful photographs by Paul Child

A French Frye in Paris is doing fabulous guided walks through Paris on Facebook. You don’t want to miss these. 

The network mistakes you should stop making according to Danielle Moss 

This was on Sale and basically had my name written on it. Okay, well more like chocoholic but I can’t spend a day without chocolate. 

I found this adorable Bonjour Sweatshirt while shopping at Nordstrom this weekend. Perfect for a cozy night in or Sunday morning. 

How Embracing My “Weird” Set Me Apart in My Career

Gallette des Rois: All You Need to Know about a French Tart Fit for A King via The

The Crate and Barrel on Michigan is closing after 27 years and today I just happened to be walking by. I scored these coffee mugs that I use every morning for my Nespresso on SALE. 

I started a new tradition where I start a new journal for goal planning and ideas at the beginning of each year. I made the mistake of throwing out my first journal from the year I started my business and my first solo trip to Paris. I won’t make the same mistake again. I love seeing how I grow and change over the years. 

I am a big fan of podcasts these days. I love this roundup of favorite podcasts. Do you have any favorites? Please share! 

In case you missed it, This is the Book Club of the Month “The Bettencourt Affair” The Scandal that rocked Paris 

Are you part of the Every Day Parisian Community Page on Facebook? This is a great opportunity to connect with other Francophiles and perhaps meet a new friend in your home city. 

On my wish list right now is the this wool tie coat from Cuyana. If anyone has ideas to get a less expensive version I am open. I am hoping I might be able to snag one at the Sales in Paris at the end of the month. 

This post does include affiliate links which helps contribute to my coffee and croissant research in Paris. Merci! 

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