Links I Love : December Week 3

paris rebecca plotnick

Last week, I was at One of A Kind in Chicago and I just didn’t have the time or energy to read or post. If you were at the show or have been to the Mart you know just how exhausting it can be. I felt a bit like I was in a Las Vegas Casino. The lights are SO bright and you have no idea what time it is. My skin felt sucked of any moisture it once had and I was constantly putting on lip balm and hand lotion. Overall, the show was a success and I got to meet some of you lovely people!

For those of you that still need last minute Christmas presents, I am shipping until December 20th so you do have a few more days to squeeze in an order. You can visit the Print Shop Here

For those of you in Chicago who didn’t get to One of A Kind, the next informal meet up will be at Vosges Chocolate on Armitage the second weekend of January. We are doing a hot chocolate bar! I know the holidays can be challenging and January is a bit slower. More details coming soon but save the date.

Links I Love

MessyNessy Chic shares where to Celebrate New Years Eve in Paris like a Local

There is a Giveaway on the Blog for Christmas for a bottle of my favorite Fragrance Izia. All you have to do is comment and tell me your favorite post this year. 

Wellness Trends for 2018, I loved the fact that they said “Big Technology is the Next Tobacco” Let’s unplug more in 2018! 

5 French Guys You’ll Date in NYC

The Biggest misconceptions about French women, debunked

On trend with this is. “France is Banning Mobile Cell Phones in School” I am 35 so cell phones were just coming into play at the end of high school. Texting wasn’t a thing until I graduated so I can’t imagine what it is like to be in school with so many technology distractions. 

The last book club book of the year is David Lebovitz “L’Appart” where he shares his struggles of finding a Paris Apartment and making his Paris Home. It will have you laughing out loud. 

Do the French Do Christmas Better than Anglo Countries? from the localfr 

I found this article “How to Raise a Sweet Son in an Era of Angry Men” I sent this to my sister for my nephew. 

8 Things Every Solopreneur Should Know

I should probably ban myself from shopping for the rest of the year. The SALES are SO good right now I couldn’t say no. I got this as a gift from my friend Kat and already love it. I have endless eyeshadows for every occasion. 

I have had my eye on a marble table which feels like forever. If you have been following along I have been searching high and low for one. Well, I walked into CB2 with no intention of buying a thing and there she was on 40% clearance. Not a scratch on her and she was just begging to come home. She works so perfectly. I promise to take photos soon. January is my goal for an apartment tour. To give you an idea it looks like this but I used white old style cane chairs with blush pillows. 

My favorite gold mirror is on Sale at Anthropologie so put the two pieces together and you start to imagine my little Parisian inspired apartment in the heart of Chicago. 

Oh and I guess the biggest news which I waited until the VERY end to tell you all. I am going back to Paris next month. I found a $500 ticket to Paris at the end of January so on a whim I bought it. I don’t have much of an agenda. I plan on seeing friends and My Paris Family and getting lost on the streets of Paris which my camera. If you have any special requests for photos send them my way. I will be working on blog content and I will have a what to pack for Paris in the Winter up next week! 

This post does include affiliate links which help contribute to my coffee and croissant research fund. Merci! 

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