My Paris Agenda September 2024

My Paris Agenda

My Paris agenda posts have been a tradition for a while now. When I first started the blog, I wrote The Paris Diaries series. It was before Instagram stories; the posts shared photos and stories about what happened during my day. They were so fun to write but exhausting because my days were long. My Paris family suggested I spend time in the moment, soak up Paris, and write my recaps when I return. This took a ton of pressure off me and allowed me to enjoy Paris fully. I hope you enjoy my Paris agenda September 2024. You can see what I packed for Paris here.

My Paris Agenda September 2024

I had planned to share my agenda for my latest trip before leaving, but I had too much going on until the flight. During my time in Paris, there were a lot of DMs that came in on Instagram, which were repeat questions. I hope this recap of my latest trip to Paris helps answer some of your questions about where I stayed, ate, drank, and explored.

When I plan a trip to Paris, I typically organize everything in a Google Doc. This way, I can understand what I planned that day and any reservations I made. I do my best to stay in one area to maximize my time for the day instead of jumping around. There are always a few priorities when traveling to Paris: taking photographs for The Print Shop, checking out new spots to recommend on the blog and for The Paris Guide, and seeing friends and my Paris family.

Where I Stayed in Paris

where I stayed in Paris
Maison Chapon Paris

I had a unique opportunity to stay in an apartment in the Marais with Pied à Paris. A friend connected me with the owner of the fractional apartment. You can read the whole post here and see the stunning apartment with two shares left!

The location of the Marais apartment was an area I hadn’t stayed in before. If you move just a few blocks in one direction, everything changes. You have a different boulangerie and coffee shop and walk to the Seine. I love the little changes that help me discover new hidden gems in Paris. One of my favorite parts of staying in this area was walking through the Passage de l’Ancre, a hidden walkway that used to be an umbrella shop. If you have ever listened to The Rainy Day in Paris, Calm Sleep story, this is where it takes place. After listening to this sleep story for over a year, it felt like seeing my dreams come to life.

Rainy day in Paris

Photoshoot in Paris with Katie Donnelly

Katie Donnelly and Rebecca Plotnick

I scheduled two photo shoots with Katie Donnelly and Magda, who works on her team. As always, we had a blast, and the photos are great memories for me. I love sharing my Parisian moments with you. For years, I spent hidden behind the camera, and it wasn’t until I met Katie I was comfortable enough to come out of my shell a bit. I treasure every photo she has captured. Katie is so talented!

everyday parisian Place des Vosges My Paris Agenda September 2024

An Afternoon in Montmartre: My Paris Agenda September 2024

Magda and Rebecca coffee and croissants

Katie was traveling for work and suggested I book a session with Magda, a photographer on the KDP team. Magda and I met a few years ago, and I love her style and photographic eye. We work well together, and she is a joy to chat with. My Paris journey began in Montmartre with an apartment near the Barbés metro. I saw Katie share some of the shots Magda had taken in Montmartre, and I knew this was where I wanted to shoot. While some areas haven’t changed, other spots have opened and closed. We found a new coffee spot with the best croissants!

coffee and croissants Paris

I have been eyeing this photobooth for a while now, and Magda knew where to find it. You can find the exact location of the photobooth here. It was 6 euros for four photos, and it was my Amelie moment.

I spent the afternoon walking through Montmartre, by my old apartment and the streets surrounding it. Montmartre will always have a special place in my heart.

everyday parisian first apartment Paris

Sundays are My Favorite Day in Paris

Grapes at Paris Market September

Sundays became my favorite day in Paris in 2013, and I discovered the Bastille market. I was single and didn’t know anyone in the city, so I made a ritual of making this day special and different. As the blog evolved, I continued the tradition with links I love, coffee, and croissants. It is a joy to make this day memorable with so many readers worldwide.

Luxembourg Gardens Paris

When I visit Paris, I love to leave this day for family and friends. My friend Katie has traditionally invited me to meals with her family on Sundays after the market. I love chatting over a good meal with a glass of wine and spending time with her kids.

My Paris family moved back to Paris after a few years in Chicago. It has been bittersweet, as I miss them in Chicago—as does Henri! They invited me over to their new beautiful apartment for dinner on Sunday. I put down my phone for a few hours and caught up with them over a meal at a local brasserie in their neighborhood. Seeing them settle into their forever home and discover more of their neighborhood will be exciting. I am hesitant to share their new space because it is their private little haven in Paris.

My Paris family isn’t blood-related, but we met and connected over Paris sixteen years ago when I lost my job and watched their newborn while my photography business started. We happened to move to Paris in 2013 at the same time and joke that we adopted each other.

Favorite Meals in Paris: My Paris Agenda September 2024

where to eat in Paris everyday parisian

While exploring Montmartre, I continued through the 9th arrondissement to find Lorette. I photographed this restaurant a few years back in the rain, and it caught my eye again. I grabbed a table outside without an agenda and treated myself to lunch. It was the perfect way to spend a Monday afternoon, and the lunch menu was delightful. I can’t wait to return and bring my husband to this spot on our next visit.

Parcelles Paris
Where to eat lunch in Paris

I also loved Parcelles. The gnocchi was incredible and the perfect spot to enjoy lunch.

Rue de Nil Paris

My friend Lauren introduced me to the adorable boulangerie on Rue de Nil. I ate at Frenchie earlier in the year but never shopped and explored other parts of the street besides PLAQ.

From Summer to Fall in Paris

The trip started with warm, almost hot weather for the last days of summer. Paris was buzzing for the start of the weekend, and the weather increased the energy. I am so happy I could soak up a little sunshine on the terrace at Anne, a restaurant at Pavillon de la Reine.

Pavillon de la Reine Paris

Don’t miss this beautiful hotel and courtyard next time you visit the Marais. The facade is filled with jasmine in the summer and ivy the entire year. Autumn turns the green ivy into the most vibrant, spectacular red shade.

The trip was filled with rain, but I had no complaints. It was still warm enough to enjoy and explore under my umbrella. While exploring the Marais, I stumbled upon two lovely courtyards filled with gardens full of dahlias. Fabula is a temporary summer restaurant opposite the Musée Carnavalet. I stopped by once, and the courtyard was too full, and the next time around, it was pouring. The restaurant welcomed me to take photos and enjoy the gardens. Don’t miss this spot if you are visiting in the summer months.

Rue Montorgueil in the rain Paris

paris in the rain everyday parisian

Until next time, Paris… xo

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    • Everlane makes a great Chelsea boot that is great for walking around Paris. It is very much in style with what Parisians are wearing now.

  1. I love both Parcelles and that Terroirs d’Avenir bakery so much! Will add Lorette to my list. This was fun to read. Thanks for sharing as always!

    • Hi Melissa,

      It was so good and such an adorable spot. Please keep me posted if you try it on your next trip! xo

  2. I visited that boulangerie in September while in Paris. Bought gorgeous croissants. The idea of having part ownership in a flat in Paris is very enticing.

  3. Ich liebe Paris und habe diesen Beitrag voll genossen. Wir werden Ende Mai fünf Tage in Paris verbringen und unseren 44. Hochzeitstag feiern. Wir wohnen im Hotel Recamier in Saint-Germain.
    Kennst du zufällig das Hotel ?? Es liegt an der Kirche St. Sulpice. Liebe Grüße

    • Hi!

      Yes, I know the hotel. It is by the same owners as Adele and Jules. You are in good hands. Have a wonderful anniversary trip. xo

  4. Love your blog! I’m heading to Paris next week and can’t wait! Your shoes are cute and I noticed you have them in several colors. What is the brand? Thanks!

    • Hi Carol,

      Thank you! There are a few brands, Madewell makes the Greta flat and I also love the Demi flat from Margaux.

  5. Thank you for this post, as I will be staying in Le Marais in November. And love to try new spots!!

  6. Hi Rebecca – I think my cousin and I were dining at Le Comptoir on the 23rd when you were also there. Hope you enjoyed your meal as much as we did. Kathy