Links I Love : July Week 3
This week was a busy one! I felt I was in full on celebration mode all week long. The opening of the Brasserie Margeaux in Chicago took place which kicked off Bastille Day celebrations until the weekend. I am at Southport Art Festival in Chicago talking Paris, Travel and selling my photography. If you are in Chicago stop by and say hello at booth 102. I will be there 10 am – 5pm.
If you had a busy week too and you plan on relaxing at home and possibly checking out the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale I put together my favorites with a French theme of course. Things are selling out very quickly and the system even went down on day one but luckily I snagged a few things! Were you able to grab anything?
If you are headed to Paris in August here is a list of What is Open in Paris in August via Paris by Mouth
7 Things French Girls are Wearing This Summer on Repeat according to Who What Wear
“Paris is Where I learned, to be poor and happy, just like Hemmingway” via The Guardian
“A Baker’s Crusade: Rescuing The Famed French Boulangerie” via New York Times
I have been asked to talk more about dating life so stay tuned for an upcoming post that I have been working on. But this is very relevant to my life and these have been said to me all too often. 9 Things You Should Never say to a Single Girl in her 30’s via The Huffington Post
I came across this one by default but I LOVE this one and hope you do too: Why Being Single in Your 30’s is Actually an Incredible Opportunity via the Zoe Report
Are you reading the Every Day Parisian Book of the Month? Readers are sharing their photos on instagram using the hashtag #edpbookclub and I am loving it!! How cute is this one by
Thank you for the list of what French women are wearing this summer. We leave for Paris late next week and I’ve been debating whether to take my wedge espadrilles because it’s on the cusp of fall. They’re coming with me! How could I even think if not bringing them? Now I may bring the black ones and the red ones.
My pleasure! You will need your espadrilles. Just remember if you forget anything there are always stores there 😉 I always find there is something I want that I can’t get back home. It is fun to observe the fashions at a café while people watching. Have a fabulous trip!