Why I am Launching a New Print Shop
I spent my high school years in a dark room. The first time I saw an image appear on blank paper in developer I was completely hooked. I graduated in 2000, way before the world of ecommerce was born. The idea of being a full time photographer wasn’t even on the radar. I went to college at Indiana University and studied Apparel Merchandising with a Business minor.
I worked in the apparel industry for a few years out of college. I will save the details for a future post. I was laid off in 2008 and I needed a way to pay my rent and my car lease. When a friend asked me what my dream job would be it was an easy answer, I wanted to travel the world and take pictures and find a way to get paid for it. I had studied abroad in Italy during college and fell in love with travel. A friend introduced me to Etsy not too long after I lost my job and I was intrigued. I had been looking for an online platform to sell my photography but I hadn’t found anything that worked.
I made the plan to start Etsy at the beginning of 2009. I call this my discovery year as I had no idea what I was doing and I barely made any money. In 2010, I went to Paris on a whim using saved airline miles from my previous job and a little saved up babysitting money. I photographed the city from morning until night for 10 days. I came home and put it on Etsy and so my surprise it worked. Paris became my niche. I still love that first solo trip to Paris when I didn’t know any of the city and every street and corner was new to me.
Over the past 8 years I have run my photography business selling off Etsy. Luckily for me the backend of things haven’t changed much so I have learned the ins and outs of setting up a shop. I don’t think of myself as very tech savvy so this is a good thing. Etsy and I are not breaking up… I just think it is time to try something different and see how it goes. I tried shopify a few years ago and it was so much work starting a shop from scratch I gave up. But this time around I tried again and it took a lot of work but I think I have got the hang of it. It isn’t perfect, I will be the first to admit. I will be making some changes over time but I set a goal of November 1 and I really wanted to make sure this was out before the Holiday Season.
5 Reasons Why I Love the New Print Shop
1. It is User Friendly. I have been able to break down my sections into vertical and horizontal photos so making sets and groupings just got a whole lot easier. I get a lot of emails about questions on orientation so I divided the prints into sections to make it really easy for you!
2. I took the time to put the stories with the photographs. When it comes to my photography it is more about capturing a moment it is a feeling, an emotion, and a story. I have been sharing my stories on social media and in person for years and I wanted The New Print Shop to hold those stories. I have a lot of people that ask me what photographs are my favorites. This one is my favorite from my latest trip and you can read why in the caption.
3. I cut down my inventory significantly. On Etsy I felt we were encouraged to always add more listings but a friend recently told me a lot of my work got lost because there were too many options. With the new site I wanted to reduce the amount of photographs offered and focus on the best sellers.
4. This new shop is Paris Only. This was an easy decision. Over the years I have traveled to a lot of amazing cities but what works best for me is Paris. The Etsy shop will still have Italy, Cuba and Chicago but I wanted to just focus on Paris in the new shop.
5. It has a much cleaner design. With the new shop I was able to design a lot of the shop. I will say I may have been given too many choices. Purchasing a template did help a ton! I love the look and feel of the new shop and I hope you do too!
I am so grateful for all of your support. I am extending a 20% shop coupon code SAVE20 to purchase your first Rebecca Plotnick photograph or to add to your collection. I can’t wait to see what you choose and there are a few new prints in the shop here. I will continue to add new prints so stay tuned. Thank you and happy shopping!
So proud of you! What you set your mind to you accomplish, and you do it with beauty, style, and grace, and share all of those attributes with the world through your blog and photography. mille felicitations!
Thank you so much! I couldn’t have done it with all of your support. It was a lot of fun to put together and I can’t wait to see how it grows and evolves with new work.
Rebecca, I am not at all tech savvy, and don’t know how to post a picture here, so I’ll share the photo with you in December!
Rebecca, congratulations and much success on this new venture! I have just matted and framed your picture of the boulangerie my daughter bought me for my birthday. LOVE IT! We’ll be joining you on December 9th to see more of your work and shop for Christmas. Excited to meet you!
Donna Dowd
Donna, You are so sweet! Thank you. I would love to see a photo of the picture hanging in your home. If you don’t mind sharing. I can’t wait to meet you and your daughter on the 9th.