Personal : Desk Side Diaries January 2017

Parisian Apartment Window St Germain de Près

Parisian Apartment Window St Germain de Près

I will be the first to admit that writing personal posts are way harder than sharing how to order a pastry in French.  But, it is also important to me to share a little window into my life. My window does not look this pretty as the one above, this was a friend’s apartment when living in Paris. The view was insane and every time I look at that photo I remember the feeling of being there. My work has always been personal. I really don’t shoot projects unless I have a personal connection to the place or the people I am photographing. 

A little recap of the week because it’s been a crazy one! For some people easing into the New Year can be easy and slow. January is typically slow but this year has been on fast forward for me already. I am so glad I shared my new years resolutions with you all. My sweet friend Leyla of Second City Mom has text me to see if I have eaten lunch before 4. Some days yes, and some days no! 

First thing is first: I made a MISTAKE! I posted a giveaway for the Book Club Book ‘Bonjour Kale’ I had no idea the response I would get! You guys there are 97 comments and they keep coming. I replied to each and every one of you because you took the time to write. I loved every single book suggestion and now it’s even harder to choose a book for next month. But I am working on it! Here is the mistake: there were so many comments and the website that hosts my blog hides your contact information after a short period so I have no idea how to contact you! I want to get this book out to one of you ASAP so the first person to email me at [email protected] (US Residents only) I will mail out the book today!! 

I wanted to say a sincere thank you to all of you! Starting a blog and keeping up with one is a LOT of work. I had no idea how it was going to go and I certainly didn’t expect so many people to follow around the world. I have been sharing with friends over the last week. There is a moment in the movie “Julie and Julia” when Julie get’s her first comment that isn’t her mom, and she screams in her office. That was me reading all of your blog comments from Australia to the UK to right here in the US. I literally cried happy tears and am completely touched. I am so HAPPY you are on board with the Book Club and I can’t wait to see how this grows as a community. 

The first meetup news: I sent out a Survey earlier this week to get an idea of what times and days worked best for the meetup. I know time is so precious especially on the weekends. It appears that Saturday afternoon is the best day for all of those who answered. I will be sending out a location soon but please SAVE THE DATE if you are in Chicago for January 28th. I will send out an email with details so if you aren’t on the mailing list please sign up! Depending on the amount of people that plan on attending the location is still to be determined. 

In other news: I have been working on a few collaborations which meant that I had a total of 4 calls yesterday. Since it has been freezing here I didn’t mind working with friends in Australia and France while I watched the sunset over the city. I can’t wait to share more but I promise they will be fun and they are for YOU!

Weekend plans? I didn’t realize it was a three day weekend until yesterday… This is what happens when you work too much. I have a photo shoot tomorrow and I have another exciting collaboration shoot which I can’t wait to share more details with you on February 1st! I received the sweetest cookbook “A kitchen in France” as a gift this week so I can’t wait to start some of the recipes. My friend Jess and I are getting together to make bake and hang out. Does anyone watch the series “This is Us” totally not French related but my sister got me hooked. If you are looking for a great series to watch check it out! 



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  1. I know it’s only 10 AM, but remember to eat lunch today! Thank you for the shout-out! So proud of you and your hard work!


    • I scheduled a lunch meeting today at noon so I will be sure to eat lunch!! Thank you for encouraging me not only to eat lunch but to chase my dreams! I am so grateful for your support!!
