Francophile Gift Guide : Under $100
Under $100
These are some of my favorite gifts to give under $100. These include gifts for friends, family members, teachers and all with a Francophile theme to them of course 🙂
I always have a pen and sticky notes by my desk at all times and I am in love with these adorable macaron themed sticky notes by Nunuco Design! They also have other adorable French-themed products like this Iphone case and Passport holder.
I am obsessed with French Skincare and Sisley is one of my favorite brands. I am completely hooked on their mascara, eye mask, and lip twist. They have an amazing Beauty Subscription program that delivers 5 samples to your door or a friend for 3, 6, or 12 months. The 3-month subscription is only $35 and you will be gifting all the way through next year. I can’t wait to share more with you about this one next year!
I am so old school as I still use sticky notes and notebooks! While in Miami over Thanksgiving I came across the perfect pink notebooks and the bonus was that they would monogram them in gold. I call the blog “EDP” for short so I had to get these notebooks for all my blog notes. They are from Shinola and I might just have to order a few more!
Hand creme is a must for all these cold winter days. Two options I love is the l’occitane one my friend Jennifer gave me last year that smells like rose or you can purchase this one that smells like lavender.
Candles are always a great idea! I will be doing a separate post about this soon. But I love the diptyque ones so much and the holiday one from Nest smells like Christmas. Cute matches are a great stocking stuffer or addition to a candle to make a set.
Photography makes a great gift under $100. For the Paris lover you can shop my full shop here.
Two great options for Jewelry. I just picked up this necklace from a Christy Lucius friend at the One of A Kind Show.
It’s a little splurge past $100 but you can give them individually for stocking stuffers! Available here
The charming “oui” box by Rosanna is sold out at this point, but there is an equally charming small, rectangular ceramic tray in black, with “oui oui oui” in gold script lettering, available on the Give Simple website for only $24.50!
Where’s the trey she dreams in perfect French from? I probably need one that says she dreams in imperfect French though. – Merci
This post was from a while ago. The tray was a gift from a friend. Try Etsy and see if you can find one or have one made with the phrase that you wish 🙂