Paris a Love Story

Paris a love story

Paris is one of the most romantic cities. In honor of Valentine’s Day, I am looking back at some of the love images I have collected over the years. I have been photographing the city of Paris since 2010. When I set out to photograph, I let the city lead me. There is no main agenda, just discovering what catches my eyes as I walk the city. Some of these images have become Print Shop best sellers! While looking to update this post for Valentine’s Day, I found a few more gems in the archives. I hope you enjoy this Paris love story.

Let me know your favorite couple in the comments below.

These images are for sale in The Print Shop and help support the blog with each purchase. Merci!

paris in love crossing the seine

Paris tulips from a winter market

From a Paris market on an early February day.

Pont des Arts love bridge in Paris

Pont des Arts bridge also know as the love locks bridge. This bridge was filled with locks before the weight got too much for the structure. They eventually cut off the locks and replaced the sides with plexi glass to prevent the locks being added again. The look and feel of the bridge feels different without the locks.

Paris in love Palais Royal

Lovers locked in a kiss in Palais Royal on a late spring afternoon in Paris.

Paris in Love

summer lovers place des vosges paris

Je t'aime love wall in paris

Did you know there is a love wall in Montmartre? I first discovered it in 2010 on my first solo trip to Paris. This photograph is from that trip and was an instant best seller. I visited the love wall many times over the years and have brought friends here. It is always fun to see how many languages you can find on the wall. “I love you” is written in 250 different languages. People from around the world now come to this tiny square just off of the Abbesses metro to take a photo and find their language.

Paris café lovers everyday parisian

From one of my favorite cafés in the Marais. I watched these two kiss and just missed the shot but I sill feel the love from the closeness of the couple through the window.

Paris café lovers

Left Bank Paris in Love everyday parisian

This Left Bank couple caught my eye on my walk from Odeon to Luxembourg Gardens. It has been on my vision board to find love for many years. This shot was from 2016 and I love it more now than the day I shot it. I always find my way to this bookshop when I am in the neighborhood now. I think about where this couple is now. This particular photo has brought so many people joy.

Paris lovers luxembourg gardens Paris

Paris Lovers in Place des Vosges in black and white everyday parisian

I loved this embrace in Place des Vosges on a warmer early spring day.

Paris lovers in the rain everyday parisian

A sea full of lovers in Place des Vosges.

Place des Vosges spring love everyday parisian

Spring lovers in Place des Vosges Paris

Lovers in Luxembourg Gardens

From a combination of many years exploring Luxembourg Gardens. These photographs are from the early years.

Paris A Love Story Rebecca Plotnick

I just loved the woman in the fur coat reading the newspaper. She just looks too picture perfect and loving her newspaper. Perhaps this is self love at an older age? I am going with it. Plus, the outfit is pretty fantastic.

I loved this couple sitting side by side reading the newspaper together on a cold March day in Luxembourg Gardens. Not overly romantic but it looks like they are comfortable with each other and have been together for years. What do you think?

Paris Lovers in Luxembourg Gardens Rebecca Plotnick

Another cute older couple strolling Luxembourg Gardens. I love how their hands are interlocked together. The man is doing the typical Parisian hands behind his back but she is also intertwined. Small details I just love.

A Paris Love Story: On The Banks of The Seine

Paris a Love Story Rebecca Plotnick

The opposite of the older couples. This young couple looks madly in love embraced on the Seine.

lovers on the Seine in Paris

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  1. Your posts today were so great! They help get us through these difficult times. Thank you for your work.

  2. Hello! I would love to use a couple of your images (with proper credit) for a non-commercial music video I’m working on. Please let me know if that would be okay and how you would like to be credited.
    Many thanks,

  3. Hi Rebecca! You have captured the essence of love in Paris and romance at any age. Your photos make me want to fall in epic love in Paris!
    Lisa 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Lisa! That is the sweetest compliment. I am so happy you enjoyed them. It was a lot of fun to put them together.
