Eight Years of Blogging

rebecca plotnick blogger

You may know me as a Paris blogger, but my journey started with photography. This summer marks sixteen years of my photography business. A few years after college, my career path took an unexpected turn. My dream job was to be a travel photographer, but I had yet to learn how I would sell my work. After I lost my job in 2008, a friend told me about Etsy. 

rebecca plotnick photographer

I quickly launched an Etsy shop using all the photographs I had in my archives. The pictures were a mixture of my study abroad trip to Italy and travel to Paris. I also spent time photographing Chicago, which never took off as much as the travel photos. 

While getting my business off the ground, I picked up as many babysitting jobs as possible. Finding another job in 2008 was challenging, and I needed a way to pay my rent. I balanced selling my photography online, doing weekly Farmer’s Markets to sell my work in person, and babysitting. 

The family I worked for the most planned to spend spring break in Arizona. I had the crazy idea of booking a trip to Paris during this time. Since I knew that Paris was the most popular for my Etsy shop,  I took a big gamble, hoping it would pay off. 

My First Solo Trip to Paris

My first solo trip to Paris was in 2010, using airline miles from my previous job and babysitting money. It is still one of my favorite trips to date. I got lost daily. Exploring the city with my camera and whatever caught my eye was the best way to see the city. 

I listed my work on Etsy as soon as I was home, and the new work took off! One Kings Lane was new then, and I pitched them on a collaboration. They were my first big brand, and it was an excellent opportunity for exposure. 

Luck, timing, and risk all had much to do with the jumping-off point of my photography business. The families I worked for had schedule changes, and I transitioned to a full-time photographer the following year. It was the scariest time and the push I needed to leap. Again, travel came into play, and I doubled down on an even longer solo European trip to take photos. 

The Formula That Worked Best

I had a formula that worked: travel, take photos, add them to Etsy, and make enough money to do it all over again and repeat. Pottery Barn discovered my work in 2012 and is a partnership that continues today. I am grateful to Etsy for making that connection happen. 

In 2013, I decided to pack up my Chicago apartment and move to Paris for three months. I arrived not knowing anyone except one of the families I worked for in Chicago, who ironically had just moved to Paris with the same plan a few months earlier. They became my “Paris Family.” While we didn’t know each other well in Chicago, our bond grew in Paris. They are still a very important part of my life.  

Three months turned into two years of a nomadic life, moving between the US and Paris. I didn’t have a Visa and was constantly drawn back to Paris. The year I moved abroad, my sister had my niece, and I wanted to be with family and watch her grow up. 

Everyday Parisian Blog

Paris blogger everyday parisian

I eventually settled back in Chicago and felt homesick for Paris. My time in Paris inspired my mindset and daily routine, and I wanted to connect with others who felt the same. 

The idea and mission of the blog was to show readers how to incorporate Paris into everyday life through recipes, style, decor, and more. My friend, Alexis, helped me brainstorm ideas for EDP, and I am so happy to have her support.

edp mission statement

The blog launched on July 7, 2016. I liked the idea of a 7/7 birthday. It took way longer than I imagined to start the blog, and I had no idea what I was doing. My friend Rachelle helped design the blog and logo and is still part of my design team. 

After a trip to Paris, I started writing a series called The Paris Diaries, a daily diary of my time there. Readers begged for more Paris tips. Over time, I added where to stay and eat and neighborhood guides. The blog has become a mixture of French lifestyle and Paris tips. 

For many years, I felt I had no idea what I was doing as a blogger. I stayed in my lane, learning and focused on content and growth. 

It took years to figure out my niche, newsletter style and content, and what best serves my audience. Consistency is key, and I love showing up for you every week with links I love, French fashion/style/beauty content, and the new Top 5 series

It is hard not to let imposter syndrome set in, and I have struggled. I am incredibly proud of myself and everything I have built over the past sixteen years. Owning your own business is not easy and continues to throw me curve balls. 

Highlights of the Past Year 

Last year, I launched The Paris Guide, a PDF filled with all my tips from Paris. After additional trips to Paris, Alyssa and I relaunched The 2024 Paris Guide. The launch had unexpected tech hiccups and lessons on launching a digital product. 

We also did a paper version which will relaunch later this year.

The Paris Guide

At the end of last year, I invested in a brand refresh for the blog. After learning my audience well from in-person meet-ups, emails, and DM conversations, I wanted to improve the site. With Rachelle’s help, we updated different pages’ fonts, colors, and layouts. I am still learning all the exciting features we added to improve the blog. 

The blog continues to be a passion of mine, and I am learning and growing every day. There will continue to be hiccups, learning curves, and growing pains. Balancing The Print Shop and the blog has never been easy for me. 

rebecca plotnick everyday paisian blogger

SEO (search engine optimization) has been a focus over the past year, and I continue learning. This helps new people find me when they google search based on keywords and topics. I have written extensively over the eight years on the subject of Paris and am constantly improving posts to help your travel experiences.

For years now, I joked I was blogging for the Olympics. There will be many visitors headed to the City of Light this summer, and I hope I can help make their trip better through my tips.

Goals for Year Eight 

My dream of writing a book is still going strong and has been a constant since day one. I would love to have a coffee table book with my photographs of Paris. 

J.Crew was on my list of dream brands, and I would love the opportunity to work with them again. Anthropologie is also high on my list. 

J.Crew white dress

Cooking and baking are hobbies that I enjoy. Next year’s book club will be a Cookbook Club, and I am so excited to be inspired by fresh ingredients and seasonal recipes. 

everyday parisian cookbook club

We have done some fun meetups in Chicago in the past. I would love to get back in the groove of these and have the opportunity to meet more readers in person. It would also be great to help spark some Francophile friendships.

Thank You to The Whole Crew

everyday parisian and Katie Donnelly

I couldn’t run The Print Shop without the help of our local UPS store (which is family-owned and operated) to get out orders and always greet Henri and me with a smile, even on the busiest days. Ray is one of Henri’s best human friends, and they look forward to their almost daily visit for a treat. 

I am incredibly proud of all the hard work and community I have built and continue to grow. Thank you to everyone who reads links I love every week, supports The Print Shop with your orders, and for spreading the word about EDP. I can’t wait to see what this next year brings. Cheers to year eight!

To my incredible support crew with The Print Shop and the blog. Alyssa Wallen, I couldn’t do without you! Katie Donnelly and Yulia Sribna are the two photographers who captured me in Paris and Chicago. I am camera shy, but these two incredible ladies make it fun and natural. Rachelle, my web designer, and Made to Thrive is my tech support. Without Made to Thrive, I would be lost. Lindsay and Sam are incredible to work with and answer all my tech questions.

eight years of blogging everyday parisian

My husband joins me every weekend for coffee walks with Henri. We bounce ideas off each other and brainstorm blog ideas for EDP. Thank you!


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  1. HUGE congratulations, Rebecca, on your 8th anniversary! I’ve been following you almost this entire time, and your Links I Love is something I look forward to receiving every week – I even have a folder for it 🙂

    Thank you for all the hard work you put into your blog and all the content you share with us.


    • Thank you so much, Tanya! I love that you have a folder for links I love. ❤️

      I appreciate all your support! xo

  2. Bravo Rebecca! Thanks for sharing your journey and your creativity….looking forward to this Sunday’s EDP edition❤️🇫🇷👏

  3. Rebecca, I have thoroughly loved watching you evolve as well as your brand. Congratulations on an exceptional milestone. I love reading your blogs each week and always take away something to add to my Paris trips. So Thank you very much.

  4. Congratulations, Rebecca! Your journey is a true testament of grit, determination and self discovery.

    I love your calendars and your Italy one was the inspiration for my summer holiday last year to the Amalfi Coast! It was one of my all-time favorite trips and your calendar allows me to relive my stay each and every month.

    It has been such an honor to watch EDP grow and thrive and so exiting to see what comes next!

  5. Félicitations! I’m so impressed with the journey you’re on and the personal as well as professional growth over these 7 years. Love the blog and the Sunday links. I think my fave series was the “frenchify” during the pandemic—brilliant and so helpful. Enjoy those moments of reflection. So important.

  6. Félicitations, congratulations on your eight year and here’s to many, many more! Your blog, articles, posts, recommendations each have helped me return to Paris whether physically there or home in Chicago (too). I am most appreciative of your authenticity and artistic flair, thank you for sharing your gifts, talents, experiences and recommendations, each a meaningful gift. Bravo and cheers to you, à votre santé!

  7. Congratulations to you! I loved reading your story & wish you all the best with your brand. Sundays have never been the same❤️

  8. Félicitations and brava, Rebecca! Your calendars (both Paris and Italy) have become holiday traditions for me, and I look forward to your Wednesday emails and Sunday Links. Your posts on Instagram are so fun – Henri is growing up so quickly! Thank you for bringing a touch of style and panache to my quotidian life. I’m cheering you on!

  9. Congrats! I’ve been following for years and have enjoyed every post. Keep up the good work, and your photos are amazing!

  10. Congratulations on 7 years! I look forward to your Links I Love every week and have done so since pre-pandemic. You are an inspiration and role model for my own burgeoning blog and this insight has been so valuable. Thanks for your open sharing and great content!

  11. félicitations! I really enjoyed reading your backstory and am impressed with your career journey. I eagerly await your Sunday email. Looking forward to seeing what’s next for you.

  12. Congratulations! You should be very proud of the blog. I always look forward to seeing your new posts on Wednesdays and Sundays.
    All the best for your continued success.

  13. Congratulations! I love your blog and all your content. I look forward to Links every Sunday morning. You got me through the pandemic when I wondered if I would ever see Paris again. Thank you for sharing your talents with us! Some day we need to meet in Cincy in person.

  14. You are incredible! I look forward to your weekly emails and content on Instagram and your blog, all are so interesting and inspiring! Best wishes on the next 8 years!

  15. Love your blog and recommend you to friends! Thanks for all you do to bring Paris to all your readers.

  16. Been following the blog and now insta for a very long time and I still enjoy your content. I am also a customer of the print shop. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success.