Paris Diaries : No 12
Hotel Powers
I started my Sunday in the breakfast room at Hotel Powers. It doesn’t get better than this glamorous chandelier, coffee, and a croissant. The sun was shinning and it looked as the day was going to be a beautiful one. The forecast called for rain but it was looking good. I headed over to the Marais which is my favorite place to spend a Sunday in Paris.
I have a Sunday routine in Paris of going to the Bastille market, picking up a baguette at my favorite boulangerie on Blvd Beaumarchais and heading to sit in Place de Vosges. The weather was perfect for this. If you have been following along from the beginning this is how I spent my first weekend. The leaves have since changed in Place de Vosges and the ground was covered with yellow leaves.
Place de Vosges
Bastille Market
I met up with my friend Jane from La Cuisine Paris for a walk around the Marais and we stopped for a coffee at Ob La Di and a sweet treat at Bontemps. They have the most amazing sable cookie and pie creations.
Bontemps Paris
After our Marais stroll I left to do some last Sunday errands. I hadn’t bought any gifts yet and I needed to stock up on my Paris Pharmacie favorites.
I prefer to stop in the Caudalie store vs the pharmacie because they can make specific recommendations for the products and when you purchase something they give great samples for travel. My favorite Caudalie products are the lip balm that I can’t live without, the night oil for my dry skin, the moisturizing mask, and the buffing cream is something I have to use a few times a week. I always get this as an add on for a gift which is a lip balm and a hand salve. The two must haves for my everyday bag.
Paris Tulleries in the Rain
Around mid afternoon the sun went away and the skies opened up full of rain. The rain continued until the late evening. Running errands wasn’t so easy due to this and really cut into my daylight for shooting. I popped over to Le Meurice to pick up postcards as they were happy to donate a few to you guys! I headed back to my last hotel of my trip Le Pavillion de La Reine. I can’t wait to tell you more about this one and the location is just perfect!
On my walk home I got completely soaked from the rain and I know completely well this was terrible for my cold. On my last day in Paris I had to soak it up rain or shine one last time. One of you had requested a photo of Hôtel de Ville and since I was close by I walked over for a photo.
Paris in the Rain Black and White. Rebecca Plotnick
A major perk of the hotel was the heated towel rack, if you have ever stayed in Europe and gotten to enjoy this luxury you know what I mean. I jumped in the shower to get warm after coming back wet from the rain and was treated to the most luxurious bathroom and Molton Brown Products. I changed clothes and headed out for one last dinner with an old friend of mine, Olivier. I was in the mood for some French Onion soup and a glass of wine.
After a late dinner I finished the night writing postcards to some of you lovely people all across the world. I tried to send out as many as possible and all those who sent in their address before I left Paris. I had Finland, Germany, UK, California, Texas, and Chicago if I can remember correctly. I am so thankful to all of you and I am so happy I could send a little love from Paris.
The Paris aren’t over just yet. I have a lot of catching up on where I stayed, where I ate, and what I bought along with what I packed in my suitcase and helpful tips for Paris. If there is anything you are curious about please ask and I will do my best to answer all of your questions.
Now for something I still haven’t quite tackled is how to fight jet lag… tips are welcome! xo
Just catching up on your diaries and loved reading about your days in Paris. Your photographs are awesome, especially the rainy black and white shot! I’m from LA and photographs of rain immediately remind me of fall on the East coast.
Thank you for catching up! I have a lot more details about where I stayed in coming posts. I loved that rainy black and white shot. I was soaked to the bone but it was totally worth it. Lucky you for living in sunny LA. I was out there earlier this year for work and loved it!!
I loved to read your Parisian diaries with good tips!
Thank you so much! More to come! xo
Thank you Rebecca it’s been a joy to follow your journey. Hope the jet lag isn’t too awful & that you can get some rest once you’re back stateside. Best wishes Rachel x
Thank you Rachel! I am in full on rest mode with a little work on the side. Jetlag isn’t too bad for once. I think the 2am work sessions helped keep me on an odd schedule 🙂
I have been loving your daily updates and photos…makes me wish I was back there. Looks like you had a wonderful trip.
Thank you so much for following along. It was a lot of work to capture and write everything but it meant a lot to take you all along with me on this adventure. I will be back again next year but until then there is lot more to share from this trip so stay tuned!!