The Best Holiday Movies

Christmas decorations in the mall and Best Holiday Movies

I love a good holiday movie. Christmas cookies, a blanket, a glass of wine or hot cocoa, and a movie is the perfect cold-weather weekend activity. There are always a few movies I have to see each holiday either on the plane ride to see my family or snuggled up at home on the couch. My movies may be different from your favorites or remind you of a movie you forgot about. I hope this inspires some cozy nights at home. Did I miss one of your favorites?

The Best Holiday Movies


This one makes me cry every time and I know the ending. I find it relatable as Isabelle is a photographer and Ben reminds me of my nephew Bobby. I just love Julia Roberts and this one is a heartwarming story.

While You Were Sleeping

This is a movie I forgot about until recently. It takes place in Chicago which I love. It’s an older movie but a great love story. A fun one to watch.

Home Alone

I recently watched this again on a flight to see my family for the holidays and I forgot about how good it is. I was laughing out loud.

The Holiday

Hands down the one movie I have to watch every holiday season. My sister and I both love it and we usually watch it together. I can relate to the movie so much and I discover new things each time I watch it. There is a great message in the movie about love. I am a mix of Amanda and Iris.

The Family Stone

I didn’t see this classic until recently and I just love it. It’s such a great family Christmas movie with a love story. It is very relatable being home for the holidays and meeting future in-laws. A fun one to watch.

When Harry Met Sally

This is more of a Christmas/New Year’s movie to me. I love the story and it is a classic to watch year after year.

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  1. LOVE The Holiday! I’ve already watched it once this season and plan to watch it at least once more. It’s become part of my holiday ritual.

  2. Both movies named, The Holiday… both feel good movies. While you were sleeping, super cute movie! Another one that I love is “Only You” with Marissa Tomei & Robert Downey, Jr.

  3. 💯 agree on The Holiday! LOVE that movie and watch every year…another one I watch is The Last Holiday, with Queen Latifa, because I love to eat and it’s such a sweet movie!