Links I Love Week 50
How to throw a French Holiday Party
The Difference between French and American Style
A Year in Paris (my BIG project for 2019) it needs a new title but I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the idea.
My friend Tammy got this candle for me and I have been loving its fresh fragrance at home. In the Winter months, I burn candles while I work late and this is a new favorite.
Books to read if you love Mrs. Maisel as much as me
The ice skating rink is open at Grand Palais. Please go for me and send me a photo! I have never been but plan on going next year.
The Rain Watcher is now coming out in paperback! I am so excited and they are sending me a few copies. It was my first apartment in Montmartre that is the cover of this book from 2013.
My dustbuster has called it quits after two years. Please tell me I am not the only one that loves the simplicity and instant gratification of picking up crumbs.
What a Traditional French Dinner Looks Like
If you have ever dreamt of owning a bookshop, you don’t want to miss this opportunity!
Can baking reduce stress and anxiety?
How a pastry chef tells his story of a Parisian apartment renovation through recipes.
Inside a storied apartment in Paris from Architectural Digest
The one thing my brother in law fight over and this article proves he wins. Ugh but I still disagree!
Christmas in Paris: The Best things to See and Do
The shirt every French girl owns! I have a few in my closet and so do Bobby and Emma
In France, school lessons teach which twitter post you should trust.
If you are looking for a beautiful Bûche de Noël in Paris, don’t miss these!
Inside Julia Child’s Kitchen. You can rent it on Airbnb. Vacation anyone?
How to prepare your business for The New Year by my friend, Rachelle who designed the blog for me.
The Best Shops in Paris according to CN Traveler
Anthropologie is 30% off. If you are still looking for gift ideas or something for yourself, now is the time!
Joyeux Noel, Rebecca, from medieval Montmorillon, France!