My Summer Agenda
When I first started my business in 2009 I used to visit Farmers Markets every weekend. I would pack up the car at 5 am and drive all the way out to the suburbs. Set everything up by 7 am rain or shine and then pack up and unpack around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Some days it was great money and others not so much. I was always exhausted! Most importantly I missed out on Summer in Chicago. If you live here or have visited you know that this is the best time to enjoy the city. As my Etsy business picked up and I started building partnerships I was able to slowly cut down on the weekends at the markets. Instead of markets, I started doing shows which were more art focused than people buying fruits and vegetables every weekend. The great thing was is that there were fewer shows than the weekly markets so I was able to cut down a bit. This year I cut myself down to three because I wanted a Summer. Can you blame me? After all these years I finally wanted to enjoy the city instead of watch people from the distance and feel envious.
If you are thinking there is going to be a grand list after this you are wrong. I actually threw it out! The idea and the list. In the last few weeks, I sat front row for a Cubs Game which turned into a whole Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, I have taken a boat ride with friends on Lake Michigan, I have stayed out way too late on a week night, and I even made it to Europe in between shows. I would say this has been one of my favorite Summers as an adult. All I want is to slow down for the rest of the month.
I am home until the 30th of August where I will celebrate my niece and nephews birthday over Labor Day in Miami. I am counting down the days until I see them but it will also mark the end of Summer.
The next few weeks I am going to enjoy but with no crazy agenda. My Paris Family comes in town later this month and I am really excited to see them back in Chicago. Also my friend Kat and I are attending Dîner en Blanc. I hope I can catch a movie in the park which I still have never done, perhaps a little jazz (Green Mill is on my bucket list) take another boat ride on Lake Michigan, read another book or two for the Book Club and I plan on painting my apartment.
I have painted all of my previous apartments and they have all come with a fresh coat of white and my current apartment has a coat of light yellow/beige that I can’t look at anymore. Ironically I just want it to be white. I think the Parisians are rubbing off on me. I think it will really brighten the space since I shoot in here a lot it won’t have a yellow undertone. I have a wish list on a few new things I want to buy for the place including this mirror from Anthropologie. I just need to find the right spot for it. This may require me giving up my TV which I don’t really use.
I will plan on a separate post on the before and after of the apartment. My brother in law has already asked me if I have finished painting yet…
What is on your Summer agenda?
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